Elephant Research

Elephant-based tourism is nothing new. The older backpackers among us will remember the streetwalking elephants of Bangkok, a common sight in the 1990s and early 2000s. Even then it felt uncomfortable, seeing this majestic animal amidst the backdrop of tuktuks, taxis and tarmac. The Thai......

The guiding principles of responsible tourism have shed light on many exploitative aspects of the tourism industry. From human trafficking associated with orphanage tourism and community dependency brought upon by volunteer-tourism, the need to support meaningful responsible tourism has never been more essential. Responsible tourism......

It would be difficult to and a sector of the tourism industry more polarising than Asian elephant tourism. For thousands of years Asian elephants have played both practical and symbolic roles for humanity; shaping human settlements and holding prestigious positions in religious ceremony. But it......

The human-elephant relationship has been established for thousands of years. Elephants areas ubiquitous in southeast Asian cultures as horses are in Western cultures. But an argument surrounding the present-day acceptance of elephants in captivity is reaching a boiling point. The increased fervour surrounding elephant-based tourism......

Women across the world understand the pain that comes with wearing a new pair of high heels. Any person who spends all day standing at work will also know how taxing it can be on the feet if you’re wearing the wrong shoes. So stop......